Rotary club of Gravesend members and their wives have for years helped the British Legion on their Poppy Collection days. and this year has been no exception. In the fortnight before Remembrance Day members of the club and their wives were helping the British Legion on its stall at Asda in Gravesend.
Pictured at Gravesend’s ASDA store on a day’s outing from their home in Rochester are; mum Holly with sons Jenson 4 yrs old and brother Noah 5 yrs together with Heather Denby from the Gravesend Inner Wheel club. The organisation for wives partners and friends of Rotary members.Heather said that “like Rotary, Inner Wheel works for the benefit of everyone and at this time of year we are proud to be able to make a difference to all service men and women who fought for their country.