Dec 202016

It has become difficult to choose those organisations which need our help but the representatives of Age UK, Alzheimers & Dementia Support Services, Multiple Sclerosis Support, PHAB, Waterside Family Support, Hi Kent for the Deaf, House of Mercy and Hive Hope Food Bank all agreed that it was the work of Gravesend Rotary that made their work that much easier.

Brother Roy of The House of Mercy, which provides shelter for homeless adults in Gravesham, said at the 2016 Charity evening that our club had supported his charity’s work for 25 years and explained how there were more homeless young people than ever in need.

Most of the money raised by our charity On Your Bike event is given to local charities and some of this presented to charities shortly before Christmas at this special event held at the Age UK Day Centre; this year £3,500 was presented at this event. £8,000 had earlier been presented to the ellenor (the main charity supported by On Your Bike) for its hospice services.

Bob Denby

For more photos see slide show at bottom of page

Nov 272016


A record amount was collected at the Asda supermarket Gravesend when British Legion supporters together with local Rotarians and youth groups, manned this years stall between November 1st and 12th.

Past president of the Rotary Club of Gravesend Peter Torres (pictured with this years youngest poppy wearer 9 months old Amber Tenison-Bramer from Northfleet with mother Bryony) said “Once again the people of Gravesham have shown their support for our heroes anddonated the magnificent sum of £9,750 from this one store.

“On behalf of everyone who helped in achieving this record amount and the men and women of our armed forces who receive support from the British Legion I would like to say a sincere thank you.”

Bob Denby

Nov 232016


The Reverend Ken Berken and Canon Rachel are long standing friends of our club and visit us  whenever  they can during their visits to the UK. Recently we were pleased to give them another cheque for their work with the orphan children of North Kigezi and learn of the latest developments in that area of Uganda. They are pictured above with Chris Keeble, chairman of our International Committee.

Sep 162016

We recently joined with our contact club in Cosne-Sancerre in France to provide some help for schools in Haitai. This was a project they initiated. They have recently sent us the following message and video:

It is with great pleasure that I am sending you a link to a film that was made about our Haïtian project, that of equipping out-of-the-way rural schools in the mountains of Haïti with solar panels and digital computer equipment.

The film shows the extent of the work done to furnish these schools, what has been done in the past and the actual teaching methods, as well as the hundreds of young people receiving an education for the first time!

The number of classes will augment as we continue to support Haïti Futur and les Ecoles Abricots.

Again, we thank you very much for your tremendous financial support in this project, without which it would have been difficult for us to achieve these results.

“Here is the link to the film on Youtube.  (There are English subtitles.)

May 262016

Exhibition 2016 presentationWinner of the Gravesend Rotary Club  Exhibition business card draw which was held at the Gravesend central library last month was  Terri McDonald.

Terri  who is the Partnership Development Manager for the Kent Training and Apprenticeship,  Community Learning and Skills  scheme  is pictured receiving her prize from Past President Bob Denby and said that  “ The Rotary exhibition was truly an eye opener, I was most impressed especially with the work of Inner Wheel the ladies support group. The club’s range of caring and service activities for young and old is extensive and well worth considering by anyone who has some spare time and a wish to  help and improve conditions for those in need.”

President John Dyke had explained that the club was proud to show Gravesend what had been done over the past years but more importantly what the plans were for current and future activities.

He said that  ”Businesses  have to look to the future  and train  their young people. This is why we support the idea of apprenticeship schemes and would urge employers to invest in the benefits that apprenticeships would bring to their companies”. Anyone interested should contact Terri  McDonald  on  07769901552.

Bob Denby